Nutritious Life

Brining Nutrition to Daily Life

Food Cravings… January 11, 2011

Filed under: All,General,Nutritional Information — nutritiouslife12 @ 6:30 pm
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Ever wonder why you ‘crave’ certain foods? Sugar, salt, soda… What ever your craving may be, it actaully may mean you are lacking something. 

Check out this great chart on food cravings. You may not be able to justify that 2pm candy bar anymore 😉 



How Soda Effects Your Body! November 28, 2010

Filed under: All,General,Nutritional Information — nutritiouslife12 @ 1:34 pm


Good Carbs vs Bad Cards September 8, 2010

Carbohydrates are sugars that are broken down quickly and efficiently, thus providing your body with the essential energy it needs.

“Good” carbs include those found in high-fiber fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, unrefined whole grain products and certain types of rice, such as brown and wild. In other words, foods still in their natural state or that are mostly similar to their natural state. 

 “Bad” carbs include those found in white pasta, white rice, candy, soda and many breads and other baked goods made with refined white flour. 

So, what makes bad carbs so bad? During food processing, fiber — which takes longer to digest and helps curb cravings — often is removed to produce a smoother texture and to extend the shelf life of a final product. And while you may consider that final product as “tastier,” all you’re consuming is a lot of refined sugar (empty calories!), and little to no nutritional value.  

The hard truth:
Eat too many bad carbs and you can almost guarantee weight gain

**courtesy of Club Pilates San Diego**


Don’t Drink Your Calories January 29, 2010

Filed under: All,General,Nutritional Information — nutritiouslife12 @ 8:17 pm
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Majority of people drink their calories (aka…soda, juices, mochas, lattes, wine, beer…and the list goes on). Now in moderation (once in a while) all these things are fine, but we have these things everyday and multiply times a day we ‘drink’ our calories adding to excessive calorie intake and over time… what do you know….we are over weight and obesity. My advice… eat whole food and drink water!

This might put things in perspective:

*Nutrition Action Healthletter*


Twenty Ten January 1, 2010

Nothing Like a New Year's Day Sunrise

Good Morning. Can you believe it is is 2010? As I get older time goes by faster…Funny how that works!

Are you bring in 2010 with a  New Year’s Resolutions? I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Seems to set me up for failure every time. Instead I like to make small healthy choices throughout the year. Sometimes we set our expectations so high we don’t meet them and then we think we have failed ourselves when all we need to do is make realistic goals for ourselves.

Here are a few goals you can make throughout the year to better yourself for the long run. Some ideas seem really simple and silly and others are a bit more challenging, but either way they will make you healthier for life.

– Try to have at least two cups (or more) of fruit a day. Did you know that one cup equals one small apple and most people don’t get the required two cups of fruit a day. Don’t know what equal a cup? Click here.

– If you don’t typically excercise try walking 2-3 days a week for 15-30 mins. You’d be amazed what a walk can do for you, mentally and physically.

– Already in shape and ready to continue on into the new year? Try to make some new goals. Add a new excercise into your routine to spice things up a bit or register to run or walk in a race whether it be a 5k, 10k or even a half or full marathon.

– Do you find yourself eating out a lot during the week for lunch? To save money and calories try bring your lunch to work. What is most effective is if you bring everything to work on Monday and then you don’t have to worry about it the rest of the week.

– Eating a lot of processed foods these days? Want to improve your diet but don’t know where to start? One way is to take one or two processed items out of your house. Take a stand and toss it in the garbage can and vow that you will not buy those items again (maybe buying them occasion depending on what the item is) and replace those items with fresh vegetables or fruit or better yet both!

– Trying to kick the soda habit? For starters switch to Hansen’s soda, then buy soda every other week and then slowly adjust and then buy it once a month and then once every other month. Soda should be a treat that you have once in a great while. Not something that you have everyday. Soda is really just empty calories and robs your body of calcium.

– Do you get that afternoon sweet tooth? Try munching on vegetable slices, almonds or apples and peanut butter.  

 – How much water do you drink per day? Not enough? Drink more water in twenty ten! Did you know that men should consumer about 3.7 liters of water a day and women should consumer 2.7 liters of water a day, and this is just for the body to function! There is no real trick in drinking more water…You just have to do it. It is a conscience effort. If the taste of water isn’t your thing try adding fruit to your water for a little flavor or even cucumbers. Perhaps buy a special mug or glass that you have on your desk daily to remind you to drink water.

These are just a few small ideas to help you jump-start the new year. New Year’s resolutions can be difficult and are often hard to follow through with. We all want to start the new year out fresh and want to make a commitment to change something for the better. I say start with something small and improve it though out the year. Have a happy and healthy New Year!


10 Foods to Avoid August 6, 2009

I was sifting through some old notes and I found this. No idea in where I got it from, but it is good information:

10 Foods You Should Avoid

Hydrogenated Fats

These are mostly man-made fats that are used in bakery items and stick margarine. Studies show that it isn’t so much how much fat there is in your diet that causes problems, as what kind of fat, and hydrogenated fats are the worst. Avoid buying cookies, crackers, baked goods or anything else that has hydrogenated oil on the ingredient list. Fortunately, the FDA now requires that food manufactures identify the amount of hydrogenated fats in their products—look for trans fats on the nutrition panel.


Olestra is a fake fat, used to make non-fat potato chips and other snacks. You’d think, with all the bad rap fat has gotten, a non-fat fat would be great. But Olestra has been shown to bind with fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K and carotenoids—substances thought to keep the immune system healthy and prevent some cancers—and to eliminate them from your system. Proctor and Gamble, the company that produces olestra, has acknowledged the problem with vitamins A, E, D and K and is now fortifying it with them.

Olestra has also caused digestive upset in some people, especially when they eat a lot of it. Often, it’s not just fat in the potato chips that causes problems for people; it’s the fact that they are displacing healthier foods, such as fruit, so Olestra can just perpetuate an unhealthy habit.


Many foods, especially cured meats such as bacon and hot dogs, use nitrates to preserve color and maintain microbial safety. Nitrate is harmless, but it can convert to nitrite, which can form nitrosamines, a powerful cancer-causing chemical, in your body. Whenever possible, look for nitrate-free preserved meats. When you do eat foods containing nitrates, have a glass of orange juice at the same time (for instance, orange juice with your morning bacon). Vitamin C is known to inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach.


This one item has created more problems than all the rest put together. Of course, it is possible to consume alcohol wisely and safely and enjoy it immensely, such as a fine glass of wine with a delicious dinner. But even if you exercise caution in no other area of your diet, this is the area where you should.

Raw Oysters

Raw oysters can carry deadly bacteria that can cause severe illness or death. Because it is strictly “buyer beware” when buying them, you take a big risk every time you do. To date, no government or independent body inspects seafood for safety or will guarantee its quality. Oysters are a nutritious food, and are great to include in your diet, but if you do, cook them first!

Saturated Animal Fats

That means fatty meats, especially beef and pork, or the skin on poultry. It also includes full-fat dairy products such as cheese, milk and cream. Fatty meat and dairy products do have some contributions to make to a diet, but none that can’t be found elsewhere.


Drinking soda is a poor way to get fluids. They are full of sugar or artificial sweeteners and often contain caffeine, artificial colors and flavors. Substitute homemade soda by mixing sparkling water with fresh, 100 percent juice.

Low-acid home-canned Foods

Home canning can be dangerous for foods low in acid such as green beans, carrots or other garden vegetables. The potential of botulism is high because home canners often do not reach the temperatures and pressures necessary to kill the botulism spores that may contaminate the food. Low-acid home-canned foods are one of the main causes of food poisoning.

High-fat Snacks, chips

Even if they are made with vegetable oil, they should be minimized. The balance of fat in our diets has shifted too far to the omega-6 variety, found in most processed vegetable oils. It is thought that too many of these fats may be leading to certain chronic diseases. Instead, focus on fruits and non-fat whole grains for snacking.

Liquid meals

They aren’t inherently bad for you, but they do keep you from eating whole, natural foods that contain more nutrients and fiber and disease-fighting phytochemicals. They may be okay for people who are too sick to eat, but don’t let them displace the real foods in your diet.


Staying Healthy on a Budget March 12, 2009

Today everyone’s budgets are tight! Just because your budget it tight doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are typically more expensive than a box of mac and cheese, but it is important to still maintain your health in these tough times.


Here are a few tips in eating healthy on a tight budget:


          Cut coupons from your Sunday newspaper

          Buy fruits and vegetables at your local farmer’s market. They are cheaper and the money goes directly to the seller vs. the middleman when you buy it at the grocery store. Also majority of farmer’s market products are organic.

          Next time you are out do some price checking. Buying in bulk doesn’t necessarily mean it is cheaper. I have compared prices with Costco and Target and I find that Target is generally cheaper (especially when I use the coupons I cut from the Sunday newspaper).

          Bring your lunch to work/school. It is healthier, you know where you food came from and can save you up to $25 a week!

          If you go out to eat, order water instead of soda. Water will help you metabolize food faster and carry nutrients to your cells.

          Send an email to Amy’s Kitchen ( )stating you would like some coupons. You will get an email requesting your address to where they can send the coupons. (I just got mine yesterday!!)

          Carry a snack with you if you are on the road a lot (bora bora bars, lara bars, nuts, peanut butter and jelly, raisins all travel well)—this works well too if you have kids.

          Always carry a bottle of water with you. Better to stay hydrated throughout the day and it will help you to stay full and not over eat.

          Look at your local grocery paper weekly for what is on sale. Try to buy products that are on sale as often as you can. This can save you a lot in the long run.



Healthier foods (whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables) may be more expensive, but they will keep you fuller longer.  Eating healthy and saving money might require a bit of foot work, but it is worth it and your wallet will thank you!


Lastly, a friend recommend this site to me and I thought I would pass it along. The site is called Tip Jar:


Cookies vs. Bananas and Strawberries February 19, 2009

When we eat, we want to choose foods that are high in nutrient density. This means eating the foods that give you the highest amount of nutrients for the least amount of energy (calories). Assume we had 3 cookies in one cookiesbananas-and-strawberriesbowl and a banana and strawberries in another bowl and each bowl consisted of 150 calories. As you might conclude the bananas and strawberries are far more nutrient dense and supplies us with more nourishment per calorie.

 I believe eating more nutrient dense foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice…) is a better way to live. If we were to eat 2000 calories a day and it was filled with fast food, soda and candy we are going to be overweight and unhealthy. If we were to eat 2000 calories consisting of whole grains, fruits and vegetable, we would be healthier and have more energy. Some might think calories are just calories, but they aren’t. Sugar, fast food and processed products don’t offer any real nutrition leaving us tired and hungry for more. Eating fruits, vegetable and whole grains we are more likely to have more energy and feel fuller longer.

I challenge you for one week to take all the processed foods out of your life and eat more nutrient dense foods. Take note of how you feel and how much energy you have.


Water does a Body Good February 9, 2009


Did you know that water is more important than food? We can go weeks without food (although it is not recommended), but not more than 48 hours without water! You are probably wondering why… well water isn’t something out body can store. Instead it is something we constantly need otherwise we will not be able to function. It has been figured out that an average adult loses approximately 2.5 quarts (10 cups) a day! It is probably why you hear people say you need to drink 8-10 cups a day. We need to replace what we have lost.

Personally, I don’t think 8-10 cups is enough. 8-10 cups only replaces what we have lost, whether it is through perspiration, respiration or urination.

Below are some key reasons to up your water intake:

          Water carries nutrients to our cells

          Water aids digestion

          Water flushes out our body of wastes and keeps our kidneys healthy

          Lubricates and cushions our joints

          Water reduces inflammation

          Water regulates body temperature

          Studies have also shown that drinking water can reduce our risk of colon cancer

          Water fights fat (helps the body metabolize fat)

          Drinking water is also key to reducing water retention (you retain water when you don’t get enough water)

Now that we know the low down on water you probably want to know how much water you should drink a day. Well, if you don’t really drink water to begin with I suggest you start with the 8-10 cups a day.  (Yes you may be running to the restroom more frequently, but your body will appreciate it). fruit-in-water2

Once you are a pro at 8-10 cups a day I sugguest that you should take your weight and divide it in half and that is the minimum amount of ounces you want to drink a day.

What if you don’t really like water? Try adding lemon to your water for a lil flavor. You could also get a lil fancy and add cucumbers for a refreshing taste or even apples! Don’t be afraid to experiment! Find something that will work for you.

It also helps to have a water bottle at your desk or at home that will remind you to drink water. Next time you go out to eat have a glass of water instead of soda. For every cup of caffeine you have you should drink an extra cup of water.




Try this instead of that…. January 1, 2009

Bringing in the New Year many of us try and make a conscience effort to eat better. Below I created a chart to jump start your New Year with some healthy options. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

Instead of:

Try this:

Even better:

french Fries

baked potato

baked sweet potato

canned vegetables

frozen vegetables

fresh vegetables


100% fruit juice

water with lemon

milk chocolate

70% or more dark chocolate

grain sweetened chocolate

cows milk

vanilla silk soy milk

unsweetened silk soy milk

white pasta

whole wheat pasta

spelt pasta

potato chips

100% stone ground chips


canned fruit

dried fruit

fresh fruit

ice berg lettuce

romaine lettuce


Raisin Bran

Puffins (Barbara’s Bakery)


Nature  Valley granola bars

Barbara’s Bakery granola bars

lara bars or bora bora bars