Nutritious Life

Brining Nutrition to Daily Life

Staying Healthy on a Budget March 12, 2009

Today everyone’s budgets are tight! Just because your budget it tight doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are typically more expensive than a box of mac and cheese, but it is important to still maintain your health in these tough times.


Here are a few tips in eating healthy on a tight budget:


          Cut coupons from your Sunday newspaper

          Buy fruits and vegetables at your local farmer’s market. They are cheaper and the money goes directly to the seller vs. the middleman when you buy it at the grocery store. Also majority of farmer’s market products are organic.

          Next time you are out do some price checking. Buying in bulk doesn’t necessarily mean it is cheaper. I have compared prices with Costco and Target and I find that Target is generally cheaper (especially when I use the coupons I cut from the Sunday newspaper).

          Bring your lunch to work/school. It is healthier, you know where you food came from and can save you up to $25 a week!

          If you go out to eat, order water instead of soda. Water will help you metabolize food faster and carry nutrients to your cells.

          Send an email to Amy’s Kitchen ( )stating you would like some coupons. You will get an email requesting your address to where they can send the coupons. (I just got mine yesterday!!)

          Carry a snack with you if you are on the road a lot (bora bora bars, lara bars, nuts, peanut butter and jelly, raisins all travel well)—this works well too if you have kids.

          Always carry a bottle of water with you. Better to stay hydrated throughout the day and it will help you to stay full and not over eat.

          Look at your local grocery paper weekly for what is on sale. Try to buy products that are on sale as often as you can. This can save you a lot in the long run.



Healthier foods (whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables) may be more expensive, but they will keep you fuller longer.  Eating healthy and saving money might require a bit of foot work, but it is worth it and your wallet will thank you!


Lastly, a friend recommend this site to me and I thought I would pass it along. The site is called Tip Jar:


Energy Bars February 3, 2009

protein-bar-pictureClif Bar, Luna Bar, Balance Bar, PowerBar. Ever eaten one of these? Maybe you grab one before a long run or long bike ride …or maybe you grab one in the middle of the day to beat that mid afternoon slump. There are so many energy bars out there, what do you look for when you buy them? Do you fully understand all the ingredients in them? I pulled up the Clif Bar website and looked up some of the ingredients. Most ingredients I recognized, however, some ingredients I have no idea what they are like soy protein isolate. Sounds simple, but I don’t think it is as simple as it sounds. Also many of these so called healthy energy bars contain way too much sugar and processed ingredients.


I have found some energy bars that are healthy, have flavor and you actually recognize all the ingredients.


Energy Bar #1: Lara bars

          Offer a wide variety of flavors

          Sweetened with dates (natural sweetener)

          My favorite is the Banana Nut (taste exactly like banana nut bread) and the Peanut Butter bar

          Found at Trader Joes, WholeFoods, Henry’s and I have seen them at Vons/Safeway

Energy Bar #2: Bora Bora bars

          Made mostly from nuts

          Sweetened with agave syrup (natural sweetener)

          My favorite is the Cinnamon Oatmeal

          So far the only place I have been able to find these are at Costco, check your local markets I am sure they sold elsewhere (I think I saw them at Whole Foods, but I have not had time to confirm that)

Energy Bar #3: Trio Bar

          Also made mostly from nuts

          More of a crunchy texture

          These are not particularly my favorite, but some of you might like them

          Sweetened with dates (natural sweetener), evaporated cane juice, which isn’t the best, but at least you know what it is

          I have also only seen these at Costco, but I am sure there are elsewhere as well

I do hope you get to try out one of these healthy energy bars. I am sure there are other healthy ones out there, but these are the ones I have tried, think they taste great and really recommend in place of your current energy bar.


Try this instead of that…. January 1, 2009

Bringing in the New Year many of us try and make a conscience effort to eat better. Below I created a chart to jump start your New Year with some healthy options. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

Instead of:

Try this:

Even better:

french Fries

baked potato

baked sweet potato

canned vegetables

frozen vegetables

fresh vegetables


100% fruit juice

water with lemon

milk chocolate

70% or more dark chocolate

grain sweetened chocolate

cows milk

vanilla silk soy milk

unsweetened silk soy milk

white pasta

whole wheat pasta

spelt pasta

potato chips

100% stone ground chips


canned fruit

dried fruit

fresh fruit

ice berg lettuce

romaine lettuce


Raisin Bran

Puffins (Barbara’s Bakery)


Nature  Valley granola bars

Barbara’s Bakery granola bars

lara bars or bora bora bars