Nutritious Life

Brining Nutrition to Daily Life

Spinach and Calcium March 26, 2009

Spinach is an excellent source of calcium, however the binding factors in the plant prevent much of its absorption. Our bodies can’t absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at any one time. This means as the amount of the calcium in a single meal or supplement goes up, the fraction or amount we absorb goes down. With this in mind, it is important to consume calcium rich foods throughout the day, rather relying on a high dose supplement.

Check out the chart below:


Food Serving Size Calcium per serving Absorption Rate Estimated Amt of Calcium Absorbed
Plain yogurt, skim milk 8 fl. Oz 488mg 32% 156mg
2% Milk 1 cup 314mg 32% 100mg
Skim Milk 1 cup 306mg 32% 98mg
Kale, cooked 1 cup 179mg 59% 106mg
Broccoli, chopped, cooked 1 cup 61mg 61% 37mg
Spinach 1 cup 291mg 5% 14mg


Adults 19-50 (men and women) the AI is 1,ooo mg per day and for men and women 50+ the AI is 1,200 mg per day.

Deficiency symptoms/related diseases:

– osteoporosis

– bone fractures

– convulsions

– muscle spasms

– heart failure

– bleeder’s disease